Recycle Day

Recycle Day Recycling is a key part of the circular economy. It also helps to protect our natural resources. Mission of Global Recycling Day, as set out by the Global Recycling Foundation, is twofold: 1. To tell world leaders that recycling is simply too important not to be a global issue, and that a common, joined up approach to recycling is urgently needed. 2. To ask people across the planet to think resource, not waste, when it comes to the goods around us – until this happens, we simply won’t award recycled goods the true value and repurpose they deserve. “As a young generation, we need to protect our environment, save our earth.” Every year, the people of Planet Earth produce 2.1B metric tons of solid waste. 16% of that is recycled, saving 700M metric tons of CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere. Unfortunately, 46% of that trash, enough to completely fill 368,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools, is disposed of unsustainably meaning landfilled, incinerated, and litte...