We must let children know that How to cross the street


Two types of traffic light: one for car, one for passer-by.

How to cross the street

Traffic light for passer-by

1.    1. Stop when the traffic light is red.

2.   2.  Go when the traffic light is green.

3.     3.Before crossing the road, look left and right of the way for many times make sure no car just can go ahead.



Traffic light for car.

1.     When it is GREEN light, we need to stop for car pass; when it is RED light, we can go when the car stops, YELLOW light ready to stop.

2.     Cannot play and run at the roadside

3.     Cannot play handphone during walking.

4.     For safety, passer-by need to wear bright colour cloths.

5.     Using sidewalk, cross the street using crosswalk or pedestrian bridge.

6.     Obey the traffic signals and signs. Keep looking while crossing the street.

7.     Always watch out for cars because sometimes the drivers may not see pedestrians or yield right of way.



1.     1.Role play cross the road; show them the signal of traffic light and the sign board they can see at the roadside.

2.     2.The children separate to different group, some as passer-by, some as driver.

3.     3.Teachers need to explain with children the different of the traffic light and what they need to do.

4.    4. Teachers can play the song “Traffic light song” by Pink Fong is more suitable for this game.

5.   5.  This game can play for many times let children to remember the signal of traffic light and the way to cross the road in their daily life.

6.    6. Besides, teachers can add on some situation maybe will happening beside the road.

How do you get children to understand where they are?


1. Learn to distinguish between left and right hands.

2. Practice self-centred distinctions between left and right.

3. Learn to focus on others (objects).

4. let children remember the "home" address.

5. let the children remember some landmark buildings near home.

6. Draw a road map to strengthen your memory.

7. Know all the ways home.

8. Give your children access to a map every day.

9. Know a map before you know a place.

10. Know the globe.

11. Game map reading.


Pedestrian bridge

